Learn to make the things you love to watch and play - here in Kansas City!
Hollywood Animation Academy was developed by animation veterans from major Hollywood studios. It is the first specialty school for animation in the country, designed specifically to give students the training they need to get jobs in the animation industry, one of the few careers that you can earn more than $100k a year to start.
We are a state certified private school in the state of Missouri and offer an in person 2 Year College Certificate in Animation and a Master's Program Certificate in Animation. We also offer 2 introductory online courses for students to see if animation is right for them.
Our course work trains students in all key roles within the animation production pipeline, including 2D and 3D Animation, Character Design, Story Artist, Previsualization Artist and more, creating a well-rounded and highly desirable potential hire for the industry.
Many people do not know that the animation industry does not require a college degree. Studios hire individuals who fit a very specific group of design styles and software skills, who can demonstrate what they can do through a great portfolio.
Our experienced instructors work with our students in person every day to guide and support them in every assignment they do. Several times per semester our students will meet a new guest instructor who is working on a film, game, or show at a major studio via Zoom. This gives our students an insider's window into what is happening in the industry right now and the skills they need to show to get hired.
Yes, we’re home to prize-winning sports teams and the best Bar-B-Que in the world. But did you know that Kansas City is also the birthplace of animation? Home to Walt Disney and his first studio where all the founding fathers of animation began with him before moving the studio to Hollywood?
Today we can offer the best animation program in the country here for half of the cost of expensive colleges on the coasts for both course work and student cost of living. Our small class size ensures that students get the attention they need. Currently we have 12 students per classroom.